Thanks!!! (He happened to have BOTH of those situations.)

I LOVE this list!


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 11:07 AM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Re: Spontaneous Lockouts (Event 644)
> Yep, it will happen if the users password just expired (or 
> was changed)
> and.
>      (1) The user logged on at another workstation and forgot 
> to logoff
> yesterday.
>           or
>      (2) The user is using their profile to run services.
> hth
> --Charles
>                     JSlattery@ar.                             
>                        To:     "NT System 
> Admin Issues"                                  
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                           
>                     09/19/2001           cc:                  
>                     10:50 AM             Subject:     
> Spontaneous Lockouts (Event 644)                     
>                        Please                                 
>                     respond to                                
>                     "NT System                                
>                     Admin Issues"                             
> Having a user that keeps being locked out without attempting
> to log in multiple times.
> NT4 SP 6a
> 2000 Workstation on the desktop
> Using Exchange 5.5 and Outlook 2k for mail. (He first notices the
> lockout when he tries to open email and get's a login prompt.)
> Anyone ever run into this one before??
> Thanks in advance for all of your help!!!!
> Jim Slattery
> Network Guy
> "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
> safety
> deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)

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