Hey Guys,
        We've got a situation we are ready to go AD by upgrading our PDC
from NT4.0 SP6a to Win2k and then AD from that point.  The problem is we
plan on taking our current domain ATCNTD1 to ATICORPORATE.COM and the main
location in Long Island (Corporate HQ) will be a child domain
ATILI.ATICORPORATE.COM, a child domain of the ATICORPORATE.COM (also at
Corporate HQ).  We've got multiple locations in our NT Domain (ATCNTD1) with
our other Exchange Servers.  These sites will eventually be child domains
(e.g. Memphis ATIMP.ATICORPORATE.COM).  Right now we are at ATCNTD1 and we
want to be at a child domain level equal to all our sub locations which will
also be child domains.  The problem is we're stumped about where we should
locate our main Exchange Server (ATCNTS3).  We want to use ADC for mirroring
our Exchange Organization (2 Sites/Multiple Servers) users in AD and them
converting all the accounts to 2k accounts but we're not sure where we
should place our Exchange Organization at the master level or the child
domain level.  Should Exchange information be put at ATICORPORATE.COM or at


Corporate HQ -----------------------T1 Frame--------------->Memphis Location
   (Domain) ATCNTD1                      (BDC for ATCNTD1 Domain) MEMPHIS1
|                                               |
        |                                               |
(Exchange Server) ATCNTS3                       (Exchange Server) MPMAIL


     Corporate HQ
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
|                                                       |
   Corporate HQ                                                 Memphis
(Child Domain)ATILI.ATICORPORATE.COM  *2                        (Child

Does the Exchange 5.5 SP2 server we currently have (ATCNTS3) get its
information imported at the *1 or *2.  Are we required to have the main
exchange site located at the top level of the domain tree or does it have to
remain at the Child level where our other servers for the users at Corporate
HQ to find it.

Should we:

a.      Create a new Master AD Domain first as ATICORPORATE.COM and then
upgrade our current Domain ATCNTD1 to Win2K and AD at the child level
ATILI.ATICORPORATE.COM, keeping the Main Exchange Server Organization and
Site at the child domain level.  Also this change will be in Mixed Mode for
some older Win 9X clients.  Will our other locations be affected if we do
this as their exchange servers replicates with ours and we have the Web
Outlook box that relays all incoming/outgoing messages to our ISP.  
b.      Upgrade our current domain (ATCNTD1) to ATICORPORATE.COM and then
create another child domain and migrate our NT4 and Win2k Servers to that
domain but keep the Main Exchange & Web Outlook box at the ATICORPORATE.COM
Level.  How will our older 9x clients be affected if we put the main
exchange server at the ATICORPORATE.COM Level instead of

Roger Ali


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