We considered doing something similiar during the Y2K rollover period. That was when we discovered just how many automated processes use the internet and email. A total no-no for us. But some small companies may be able to get away with it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 September 2001 11:02
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Hope this finds all well and worm free

Has anybody put some serious stops on 24/7 availability of internet services in your firms ? In light of what I am sure we are all looking at over the next several months have folks considered or put in place automated mechanisms that shut down internet services and internet mail ? I am thinking that as is often the case we are waiting for sig files from multiple AV vendors especially during the we hours of the morning and that it would be prudent to have the ability or policy in place that shuts internet access and pipe off during off hours. I realize in multi time zone and large organization you don't have a china mans chance to get mgt to make this policy, but in smaller firms this would potentially assist in keeping the flood of crap at the door while we/you dotted your is and crossed those Ts.
Any thoughts and existing efforts would be great to here about
R Jones

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