Don't know much about ME other than it's a stripped out version of W2K. Can
you look at the logs or do a Ctrl-Alt-Del and look at what's running when it

My focus is small shops - I realize money is very tight; however, you need
to get rid of ME from the standpoint of your company trying to do anything
network related down the road ME will not support.

Good luck.

Steve Clark
Clark Systems Support, LLC
AVIEN Charter Member
        301-610-9584 voice
        240-465-0323 Efax

-----Original Message-----
From: John Cesta - Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 2:08 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT on Windows ME

I have been a member of this list for about a month. We are a small company
and I don't have the benefit of a large IT dept so I thought I'd throw this
question to you guys. My personal PC is a Windows ME PC. Today it started
doing something really weird. About every two hours it just kind of stops. I
mean, it still works and all ( although there is no more Internet access)
but it is very, very slow. Can't hardly move the mouse and I have to
shutdown too get it back. It's weird because it goes south almost like clock
work every 1.5 to 2 hours. I don't have a virus, I am fairly certain of
that. It actually happens all of a sudden, yea, I sat here and waited for it
to happen. It doesn't seem to be a gradual thing, I mean, it doesn't get
progressively slow, it happens all at once all of a sudden. It is a royal

Any ideas? :))))


John Cesta

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