
These are all good questions and I'll answer them all. I was trying to avoid
a wordy post, here you go.

First, we have a small site, only 35 people. The machine in questions is
also a DC. It's only jobs in life are as a secondary DNS, replicated WINS
(secondary), VPN dial-in via the Internet, and second Domain Controller. All
was working well until we had to change ISPs and ergo the IP block. After
the reconfiguration failed (for the new IP), I removed the server from the
RemoteAccess MMC, rebooted and tried to "start and configure", it never

Now answers:

> Rod, how did you setup RRAS?
Originally setup as PPTP only, for use via Internet only, no modems.

>Is this server doing anything else besides RRAS and VPN?
>Do you have a modem card installed?  Is it setup to use PPTP
> or L2TP?

Answered above...

> What are the permissions on the box?  Is it a member server,
> standalone or a domain server.  Is this a Win2K domain or an NT domain?

Win2K DC, second in the forest with no major applications.

> Can you setup this box as a VPN client or a Dial-up client.

Haven't tried. but I'm pretty sure I could.

> Does your direct dialup work.

> Do you have a static IP or are you using DHCP?  Is RRAS
> setup to use DHCP or assign static IP?
The DC is staic, dual homed. One NIC is asigned a public IP and the other is
a class-B private IP

> Do you any info in the event log or the RRAS log?

Only that the service won't stay up, non-specific errors, followed all up in
technet (both on-line and CD), no joy.

> Sorry if I missed the first post, you may have already answered some of
> these questions.

NP, it's nice to have someone to bounce ideas off from....

BTW, I've set up many of boxes. I've had my MCSE going back to NT3.51 (when
we only needed to pass three tests). I know I'm not the brightest bulb in
the pack, so I probably missed something obvious. Any ideas wouldbe helpful.


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