Title: Exchange 5.5 & Preventing Mail Relay

Hi all,

I've got a situation that I need to resolve & would like to do it without having to call MS :)

I have Exchange 5.5 sp 4 (NT 4.0 sp 6), that has routing enabled for POP3/IMAP4 support.  I have gone through every MS Tech Net article that I can find on how to setup Exchange to not relay mail and have not been able to get it setup correctly.  Right now there is an outsourced Linux box in front of the Exchange server that checks for mail being relayed.  My organization wants to get rid of that box because we are paying a monthly fee for it that should be unnecessary because Exchange is supposed to be able to do this.

If anyone has any input/experience/advice on this I would really appreciate it.

Sherry Abercrombie

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