Read the FAQ (Q305385) very carefully:

"When you install the referenced patch, this message does not change because
the XML file is missing the data that it needs to properly check the status
of the patch."

In other words, not only does the XML file not include appropriate info,
Microsoft does not have an effective way to check.  The way I see it is that
the XML file checks for the presence of certain registry entries or files or
file versions.  If it is a fix where the deletion of a file is necessary,
the utility cannot check for its presence ( . . . make sense?).

The way I have been handling this is to output the hfnetchk data to a file
named after the current date (09282001.txt for example) and then manually
edit the file with info on each of the warning messages (files to delete
check, etc).  The next time hfnetchk is run, I do the same, but for
recurring messages I refer back to the first file in which a description for
the warning exists.

Hey, it works.

-----Original Message-----
From: Eldridge, Dave [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, September 28, 2001 12:48 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: hfnetchk question

After running Q299444i and Q305999i I still get warnings pointing to older q
files when I run hfnetchk.exe on my servers.
Should I ignore these. Some are 3 and 4 years old. Does anyone else get a
clean reading from this utility?


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