I've 'adapted' Steve's scripts to do the following:

1. Check to see if rdisk is in the right place (c:\winnt\system32\) and if
not, copy them there from a different share
2. Run rdisk
3. Map a drive to the location i store the erd's
4. Check to make sure the directory is there to copy into, and create it if
it ain't
5. Copy over the files.
6. Drop the mapped drive

I have a 2nd batch file that adds the at command and the batch file to the
local server, so when I create a new server, I just have to run this batch
file and everything is automatic from there...


                    "Rich Waldrop"                                                     
                    <rwaldrop@waus       To:     "NT System Admin Issues"              
                    aufs.com>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      
                    27/09/2001           Subject:     RE: ERD Scripts                  
                    Please respond                                                     
                    to "NT System                                                      
                    Admin Issues"                                                      

Snipped from a previous msg

This is what I do.  I have it as 2 separate scheduled tasks.  Of course,
make sure the copy destination is a backed up machine.

c:\winnt\system32\rdisk.exe /s-

Then rdisk.bat that contains the following

net use Q: \\server\c$
c:\winnt\system32\xcopy.exe Q:\winnt\repair\*.* \\otherserver\share\ /q /r
net use Q: /delete /y

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Brouwer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 3:31 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: ERD Scripts

Where might one find this script?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 10:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: ERD Scripts

Hey Guys,

Steve Clark's (the genius - if I'm ever in the same city as him, I'll buy
him a beer) script for putting computers ERD's onto a different server has
made me wonder if anyone has some idea of how to do this for Win2K?

What I'm talking about is a script that automatically runs an rdisk (which
you can't do in Win2K) and then copies the result from the REPAIR directory
to a different server...

Any ideas?  Hmmm?


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