Your IMA Datastore (which is most probably the Access version) is on the old
server.  You need to move it to the new server.  You also need to verify
that you have moved the Web Interface (if you are using it), the PNAgent
site (if using PNAgent), the Citrix License server and remove all references
to the old server from all Published Apps.


Since 99% of the Citrix farms I go to work on have never backed up their
Access or MSDE based IMA datastore, you should seriously consider adding
that to your backup regime.  Lookup "dsmaint backup".  This should be in a
scheduled batch file or script that runs daily.  If (or when) you lose the
IMA Datastore your Citrix farm is hosed if you have no backup to restore.


You should also make a backup copy of your Published Apps on a regular
basis.  Most people have no idea what server or servers host an app or what
users and/or groups are allowed to run a Published App.  This makes it very
difficult for people like me to come in and get your farm back up and
running.  Have a look at:


To move your datastore:


To move or restore an Access data store 

Follow this procedure to install a backup of the data store or move an
original data store to a new host server in the event of a hardware failure
or upgrade: 

1. Copy the backup database or the original database to the server that is
to become the new host server. 

2. On the new host server, create a new "File DSN" pointing to the new local
database from Step 1.

3. On all servers in the farm, execute dsmaint failover to point to the new
host server. 

Note: The IMA Service must be running on these servers for the command to
execute properly. You must do this before executing dsmaint config on the
new host server as specified in the next step; otherwise the other servers
in the farm cannot write to the database. 

4. On the new host server, execute dsmaint config to point the IMA Service
to the newly created DSN file from Step 2. If no security was set on the
Access database, use the default user account and password information

Note: Include the full path (in quotes) in the /dsn: switch to the file dsn.
For example, /dsn:"C:\Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management

WARNING! This fix requires you to edit the registry. Using Registry Editor
incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall
your operating system. Citrix cannot guarantee that problems resulting from
the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved. Use Registry Editor at
your own risk. 

5. Change the original host server to its new role as an indirect server (it
will now access the data store indirectly through the new host server) by
running the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) and changing the value of the
following registry key from Imaaccess.dll to Imaodbc.dll: 


Note: If you are performing these steps with a MetaFrame XP Feature Release
3 farm, the previous step is no longer necessary. With a MetaFrame XP
Feature Release 3 server, running the command dsmaint failover
new_direct_servername on the original host server removes the value in the
registry. Feature Release 3 no longer uses the value Imaodbc.dll for
indirect servers. 

6. Stop and restart the IMA Service on the new host server. 

7. When the IMA Service on the new host server is running, stop and restart
the IMA Service on all of the other servers in the farm. 

Important: Restarting the IMA Service instead of restarting the server might
cause the SNMP service to Dr. Watson if SNMP is enabled. This error is

Hope this helps.



Webster CCIA


Subject: Citrix help needed


We are running PS 4.0 with 2 servers in our development farm.  All published
apps have been updated to run on "newserver"  and everything is working
fine.  Today I powered down "oldserver" to check for any issues before I
reuse it.  When "oldserver" is powered off, none of the published apps work,
even though they are configured to run on "newserver" only.  As soon as I
powered up "oldserver" the apps began working.  The message we get is
"resource is not available".   

The only thing I see in the event log is that "newserver" has become the
farm metric server.   

Where do I begin looking?   

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