Did you use the same brand of media in the two tests? Sometimes, players 
doesn´t like all brands.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mike Gill 
  To: NT System Admin Issues 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 4:38 PM
  Subject: Burning MP3's as Data files in Vista - Doesn't play in MP3/CD player

  I have some MP3's that I put on a CD using Vista. Once the CD is created 
(session closed) it won't play in a CD player here that also plays MP3 files. 
Putting the CD back into my computer shows all is well. If I burn the same set 
of MP3's on a different machine (same model of Dell) I have but with XP Pro, it 
plays the MP3's in the CD player just fine. Did I miss a memo?


  Mike Gill


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