I'm up for that.  Any idea how I can find one?

From: Michael B. Smith [mailto:mich...@smithcons.com]
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 3:43 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Weird robocopy /mir bug?

I don't know any Windows File System MVPs, but I might suggest that you pass 
this along to them to see if it can get fixed for vNext. Fast! :-P


Michael B. Smith
Consultant and Exchange MVP

From: Crawford, Scott 
Sent: Monday, August 01, 2011 4:26 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Weird robocopy /mir bug?

Yeah, it's more general than just the copy command. It's pervasive across the 
whole OS.

After re-reading the KB article, I realize that the fix described only applied 
to explorer.exe.  And, in fact, W2K3's version of explorer is fixed. But, Win7 
is (re)broken.  You can see this by running the batch I posted. Then, from 
explorer, create a *new* folder, and copy the long name (xxxxxxxxxx.xxx) file 
first and then the short name (xxxxxx~1.xxx). As you note, the second file will 
overwrite the first.

It's interesting to note that once the files have been copied in the "correct" 
order (ie files with only short names, followed by files with long and short 
names), the destination becomes "fixed" and subsequent copies work correctly. 
This can be seen in the batch below.

Bottom line is that it appears that support for short file names is simply 
broken. There is a high potential for data loss when copying data that has file 
names in xxxxxx~1.xxx format, especially when using automatic overwriting 
common in tools such as robocopy /mir or even explorer.exe.

Turning off short file name support does seem to be the best answer, but has 
the potential problem of breaking things that are hard-coded to look for the 
short name.

md CollisionTest
cd CollisionTest
echo a > xxxxxx~1.xxx
echo a > xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
md new
copy /y xxxxxxxxxx.xxx new
copy /y xxxxxx~1.xxx new
dir new /x
@echo Note that "xxxxxx~1.xxx" is gone after copying the long file name first.
del /q new
copy /y xxxxxx~1.xxx new
copy /y xxxxxxxxxx.xxx new
dir new /x
@echo Note that both files are there because we copied the short file name 
del /q new
copy /y xxxxxxxxxx.xxx new
copy /y xxxxxx~1.xxx new
copy /y *.* new
dir new /x
@echo Note that both files are still there even though we copied the long file 
name first.

From: Jeff Bunting 
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 9:09 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Weird robocopy /mir bug?

In your example, if you reverse the order of the echo commands you'll only end 
up with one file in the CollisionTest directory because the long file name 
version creates a short name of xxxxxx~1.xxx, so the act of copying isn't 
really the problem, but that you have different files with the same name (or 
same short name)

echo a > xxxxxxxxxx.xxx  (creates short name xxxxxx~1.xxx)
echo b > xxxxxx~1.xxx

type xxxxxxxxxx.xxx

You might be able to use fsutil to strip the shortnames of the files you're 
copying without having to disable it on the whole volume:



On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Crawford, Scott 
<crawfo...@evangel.edu<mailto:crawfo...@evangel.edu>> wrote:
If you'd like to play along, the batch file below demonstrates the problem.  
Note that we're creating two files, copying them to a new folder, but only one 
ends up at the end.  I really need to be able to use robocopy to do this copy 
to minimize the disruption to the users, but this is really jamming me up.

md CollisionTest
cd CollisionTest
echo a > xxxxxx~1.xxx
echo a > xxxxxxxxxx.xxx
md new
copy /y *.* new
dir new

-----Original Message-----
From: Crawford, Scott 
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2011 3:41 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Weird robocopy /mir bug?

Turns out that this issue was a known issue that was fixed in W2K SP3 and NT 
SP5.  Unfortunately it seems to be back.  Maybe I should spin up a W2K box to 
do this copy :) Anybody have any better options?


-----Original Message-----
From: Crawford, Scott 
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 7:33 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Weird robocopy /mir bug?

You mean short name generation on the server?  That's on my list of 
"desperation" ideas, mainly cuz I've never done it so I'm not sure exactly what 
the effects will be. Does that delete all existing short names?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Buff [mailto:kurt.b...@gmail.com<mailto:kurt.b...@gmail.com>]
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 6:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Weird robocopy /mir bug?

Turn off short filenames?

On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 15:51, Crawford, Scott 
<crawfo...@evangel.edu<mailto:crawfo...@evangel.edu>> wrote:
> I'm having some strange problem where robocopy /mir doesn't actually,
> well...mirror.  I'm pretty sure it has something to do with short file names.
> The files that are causing problems are named:
> Short name   Long name
>              OLIVER-M.GRD
> OLIVER~3.WPD oliver-m.rec.wpd
>              OLIVER~2.WPD
> Due to the nature of the problem, I'm not sure which files are
> actually causing the problem, but I believe it's the last two listed.
> It seems like there's a name collision on OLIVER~2.WPD.
> I've posted the log below and also at 
> www.evangel.edu/robocopy.txt<http://www.evangel.edu/robocopy.txt> for
> better readability. I've run robocopy /mir 4 times so you can see how
> it goes back and forth replacing existing files with new ones.
> I can't for the life of me figure out what's going on or more
> importantly how to fix it. Any help is appreciated.
> E:\Staff\NelsonN\My Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters>dir "Floppy
> Disk 1\oli*.*" /x
> Volume in drive E is New Volume
> Volume Serial Number is B0B3-6FF9
> Directory of E:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy Disk 1
> 12/25/1999  06:36 PM            13,121 OLIVER~1.WPD OLIVER-M.GD2.wpd
> 03/15/1999  01:20 AM            12,684              OLIVER-M.GRD
> 03/15/1999  05:50 PM             8,803 OLIVER~3.WPD oliver-m.rec.wpd
> 12/25/1999  06:29 PM            10,367              OLIVER~2.WPD
>                4 File(s)         44,975 bytes
>                0 Dir(s)  61,758,398,464 bytes free
> E:\Staff\NelsonN\My Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters>n:
> N:\Staff\NelsonN\My Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters>e:
> E:\Staff\NelsonN\My Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters>robocopy
> "Floppy Disk 1" "n:Floppy Disk 1" /mir
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
>    ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
>   Started : Thu Jul 28 12:03:13 2011
>    Source : E:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy
> Disk 1\
>      Dest : N:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy
> Disk 1\
>     Files : *.*
>   Options : *.* /S /E /COPY:DAT /PURGE /MIR /R:1000000 /W:30
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
>                           91    E:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy Disk 1\
> 100%        New File               10367        OLIVER~2.WPD
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
>                Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
>     Dirs :         1         0         1         0         0         0
>    Files :        91         1        90         0         0         0
>    Bytes :    1.01 m    10.1 k    1.00 m         0         0         0
>    Times :   0:00:00   0:00:00                       0:00:00   0:00:00
>    Ended : Thu Jul 28 12:03:13 2011
> E:\Staff\NelsonN\My Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters>robocopy
> "Floppy Disk 1" "n:Floppy Disk 1" /mir
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
>    ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
>   Started : Thu Jul 28 12:03:15 2011
>    Source : E:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy
> Disk 1\
>      Dest : N:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy
> Disk 1\
>     Files : *.*
>   Options : *.* /S /E /COPY:DAT /PURGE /MIR /R:1000000 /W:30
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
>                           91    E:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy Disk 1\
> 100%        New File               10367        OLIVER~2.WPD
> 100%        Older                   8803        oliver-m.rec.wpd
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
>                Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
>     Dirs :         1         0         1         0         0         0
>    Files :        91         2        89         0         0         0
>    Bytes :    1.01 m    18.7 k  1016.1 k         0         0         0
>    Times :   0:00:00   0:00:00                       0:00:00   0:00:00
>    Ended : Thu Jul 28 12:03:15 2011
> E:\Staff\NelsonN\My Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters>robocopy
> "Floppy Disk 1" "n:Floppy Disk 1" /mir
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
>    ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
>   Started : Thu Jul 28 12:03:16 2011
>    Source : E:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy
> Disk 1\
>      Dest : N:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy
> Disk 1\
>     Files : *.*
>   Options : *.* /S /E /COPY:DAT /PURGE /MIR /R:1000000 /W:30
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
>                           91    E:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy Disk 1\
> 100%        New File               10367        OLIVER~2.WPD
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
>                Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
>     Dirs :         1         0         1         0         0         0
>    Files :        91         1        90         0         0         0
>    Bytes :    1.01 m    10.1 k    1.00 m         0         0         0
>    Times :   0:00:00   0:00:00                       0:00:00   0:00:00
>    Ended : Thu Jul 28 12:03:16 2011
> E:\Staff\NelsonN\My Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters>robocopy
> "Floppy Disk 1" "n:Floppy Disk 1" /mir
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
>    ROBOCOPY     ::     Robust File Copy for Windows
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
>   Started : Thu Jul 28 12:03:17 2011
>    Source : E:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy
> Disk 1\
>      Dest : N:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy
> Disk 1\
>     Files : *.*
>   Options : *.* /S /E /COPY:DAT /PURGE /MIR /R:1000000 /W:30
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
>                           91    E:\Staff\NelsonN\My
> Documents\WPDocs\profcorr\Rec\Letters\Floppy Disk 1\
> 100%        New File               10367        OLIVER~2.WPD
> 100%        Older                   8803        oliver-m.rec.wpd
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
>                Total    Copied   Skipped  Mismatch    FAILED    Extras
>     Dirs :         1         0         1         0         0         0
>    Files :        91         2        89         0         0         0
>    Bytes :    1.01 m    18.7 k  1016.1 k         0         0         0
>    Times :   0:00:00   0:00:00                       0:00:00   0:00:00
>    Ended : Thu Jul 28 12:03:17 2011
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