Image it and run Malwarebytes and Combofix

Guido Elia
Da: Tammy Stewart []
Inviato: sabato 19 novembre 2011 19.05
A: NT System Admin Issues
Oggetto: RE: Mevio?

Sounds a bit nasty -- I've run into a few of these lately.

What OS? and is it 32 or 64 bit?
Sounds like MBR infection - possibly mbr.sst.a or .b
It is commonly dropped with that & similar rogue AVs.

This program should tell you if the MBR is faked

**** If you are running SonicWall it will report that file as conficker. It is 
a f/p detection ****
All the tool does is check MBR, make log & gives you the ability to dump copy 
of the MBR and re-write the MBR if found infected.
If using the tool to fix MBR make sure if you have disk encryption enabled to 
disable that first or you may render system unbootable.

If 64 bit OS check also disk management. Possibly there is a whole new 
partition created by the infection that is loading before the OS.
If this is the case -- will need a bootable partition management tool to remove 
bad partition & reset the right one as active etc so it will boot. Infection 
set its partition to load before the others.

Tdsskiller might be able to detect the infection as well. (It cannot deal with 
the infection that creates the rootkit partition but usually can deal with MBR 

Process explorer -- if you double click the iexplore.exe process & look at 
tcp/ip tab you will see a ton of connections....


From: Len Hammond []
Sent: November-18-11 5:06 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Mevio?

Got one word for the group...


What is it and why would someone want it on a machine.

So far I'm finding info saying it is a virus (and I tend to think that's right) 
and some conflicting info suggesting that it is something related to iTunes and 
is a music and/or video playing source and software.

To the best of my knowledge, this "mevio" was not invited into this machine by 
the owner, I'm just trying to get it out of his way. It keeps popping up and 
wanting to be installed/validated. This machine also has reportedly been found 
after being idle overnight to be playing music out the speakers. They said it 
was like a radio station. Also, the process = iexplore.exe is always running 
without Internet Explorer being in the applications area in Task Manager or on 
the task bar. It does appear to have "arrived" at about the same time as a 
virus (trojan = AV Security 2012) that at this time seems to have been 
erradicated. Ultimately, I think this, being an older machine will probably get 
refurbished with a wipe & reinstall before going back into permanent service. 
But, in the meantime, I'd like to get the guy working without the interruptions.

Think I'll uninstall IE9 for a while and let him use Chrome, as IE seems to be 
the app that is causing the trouble, or IE has been compromised and the malware 
is causing the trouble through IE.

Ass always, thanks for the thoughts and help.
Len Hammond
CSI:Hartland, LLC

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