Hopefully those of us from Texas can visit the same lists...



From: Ken Schaefer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:01 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: MATH



Who's curtailing free speech? The film was turned down by some awards
committee. No one seems to have said "you can't make that film in the
first place"


But, I think this has gone on long enough. Let's keep the politics off
the list. Surely there must be other places/lists/forums you guys in the
UK can discuss this?





From: James Rankin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2008 7:56 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: MATH


In England you can't teach anything these days for fear of offending
Islam. See below


It's pretty sad when free speech is curtailed. 

On 23/01/2008, Kim Longenbaugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Not to mention an environment where teachers have absolutely no control
of their pupils because of fear of legal reprisals, among other things.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Heaton [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 4:43 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: MATH

Yep, the public school system is pretty sad, but when the government
decides not to put any real money into the system, what can we really 

"I've been doing so much with so little for so long, that they now
expect me to do everything with nothing."

That's how a lot of teachers feel these days...

Joe Heaton 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Strader [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:50 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: OT: MATH 

Wednesday Funny????

Last week I purchased a burger at Burger King for $1.58. The counter
girl took my $2 and I was digging for my change when I pulled 8 cents
from my pocket and gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel 
and 3 pennies, while looking at the screen
on her register. I sensed her discomfort and tried to tell her to just
give me two quarters, but she hailed the manager for help. While he
tried to explain the transaction to her, she stood there and cried. Why 
do I tell you this?

Because of the evolution in teaching math since the 1950s:

1. Teaching Math In 1950s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is
4/5 of the price. What is his profit ? 

2. Teaching Math In 1960s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100 His cost of production is
4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?

3. Teaching Math In 1970s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is

$80. Did he make a profit?

4. Teaching Math In 1980s
A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is
$80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20.

5. Teaching Math In 1990s 
A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and
inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the
preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of
$20. What do you think of this way of making a living? Topic for class 
participation after answering the question: How did the birds and
squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no wrong
answers, and if you feel like crying, it's ok. )

6. Teaching Math In 2007 
Un hachero vende una carretada de madera para $100. El costo de la
producciones es $80. Cuanto dinero ha hecho .

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