The blueprints are not enough sometime.  Make sure you have the As-Build (TQC 
ou Tel Que Construit en français) version.  Just had a contractor call me to 
ask if he can remove a conduit with brand new fiber in it...  The only problem 
was that there were no conduit in that section on my plans...  Turn out the 
«revise version» had not been updated with it!!!

Assume nothing, Trust nothing, Check everything...


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Kim Longenbaugh [] 
Envoyé : 31 janvier 2012 10:57
À : NT System Admin Issues
Objet : RE: Wireless bridge between buildings.

I certainly feel your pain.  When we re-did our fiber infrastructure, I asked 
our "facilities" for the blueprints showing existing paths.  The answer:  "What 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott []
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 9:38 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Wireless bridge between buildings.

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 9:42 AM, Maglinger, Paul <> wrote:
>> paved over all the manholes in the parking lot.  I've got a 600 foot 
>> utility service conduit with a junction... somewhere.
> There are services that will locate pipe and conduit ....

  Yah, facilities says they're having that done.  We'll see.  :)

-- Ben

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