I can say that I have not seen this and I have decommissioned a few
servers in the last 12 months, some of which are over 7 years old in
which I had to bring back online for various reasons, but none of them
had any problems. I have been more concerned with the disk seizing, but
fortunately I have not experienced that either.

Russ Clark

-----Original Message-----
From: Angus Scott-Fleming [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 12:50 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: GibbsBlog: Death by Old PSUs

Has anyone here undergone something like this?

------- Included Stuff Follows -------
Death by Old PSUs
  Submitted by Mark Gibbs on Fri, 01/25/2008 - 3:01pm.

    I just read a mail list posting in which a friend explained how he
had to 
    shut down and number of servers in a data center for facilities 
    maintenance for the first time in six years -- the machines had all
    running non-stop for the whole time. On restart a significant number

    failed because -- it is suspected -- the power supplies which could
    power for normal operation could no longer handle startup
conditions! The 
    suspicion is that electrolyte evaporation in the PSU capacitors is
    most likely cause!

    Wow. Is there a disaster waiting to happen in your data center? I
did a 
    quick search on this topic but not being an electrical engineer I
may not 
    have been using the right search terms. Anyone know anything about
--------- Included Stuff Ends ---------

Oh, and Happy Friday!  May all your servers stay up all weekend ...


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