On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 6:29 PM, Michael Leone <oozerd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So I have a need to reset the permissions on our user home folders. I
> have a script written that is now setting the ACLs to be what I need.
> What I haven't figured out is how to turn inheritance back on (right
> now, the folders are set to not inherit; we want to change that so
> that they do inherit). I am taking ownership; adding the new groups I
> want to have access to the folder (and it's subdirectories); all that
> is working the way we need. But I need to turn the inheritance back
> on, so that new files/folders will inherit all these things I've just
> set.
> I can't seem to see how to do that using SUBINACL. Can it be done? My
> searches suggest that I can do
> DSACLS /I:T /P <user folder path>

D'OH! That's what I get for trying to look up 2 different needs at the
same time. I meantL

ICACLS /I:E <user folder path>

> I'd prefer not to have to call in a second utility, if one will do it,
> and since my script is pretty much done, except for setting the
> inheritence.
> Thanks!

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