Good news!  I must say, I don't know that I would have even looked closely at 
SNP and "cleaning the chimney" in the first place though if I hadn't seen 
several threads here posted or answered by Bob Fronk.  Big thanks to Bob and 
others for the pains they went through in finding the resolution in the first 

I sure hope the vendors can get together and fix these remaining problems.  It 
feels like such a waste having to turn off new features that could be 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 1:29 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Broadcom NIC problems?


I just had a chance to reboot the server after making these changes (I
found that all three were enabled in the registry - I'm not sure why I
thought TOE was disabled) and it's a night and day difference.  Immensely

Thank you!!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miller Bonnie L." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "NT System Admin Issues" <>
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 1:21 PM
Subject: RE: Broadcom NIC problems?

This sounds a LOT like the strange issue we had with our 2950 running E2k7
(can't just wipe and install x32) where Outlook would "hiccup" and lose
connections to the server.  Server appeared hung, but once logged on, was
fine and users could reconnect.  Updated firmware, drivers, Windows,
Exchange patches, etc, and could not find a source.  On the verge of
calling PSS, but tried the chimney stuff first, and voila, haven't seen
the problem since.  We've turned it off for now on all of our 2900s and
2950s, and have seen great improvements in several servers where we
probably didn't realize there were issues.

On ours, I'm importing a reg file with the following
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


And, I'm also setting RSS to disabled in the advanced properties of the
Broadcom NIC (in device manager).  A reboot after that and it's all off.
Will probably try turning things back on one at a time when this issue
seems to settle down more, but at this point, it still appears to be a
problem for us on the latest drivers, etc.

BTW--we have one 2900 server that was so bad we had to stuff an Intel NIC
in the box after it continued to BSOD on Broadcom drivers and Dell had
replaced all the hardware (we changed cables, ports, etc first).  Has
worked flawlessly since--hoping to try removing that NIC with the chimney
off soon, but need to wait until mid-winter break when the kids are gone
in case it doesn't work.  Point being, it seems to rear its ugly head for
us with the Broadcom NICs.  YMMV


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 11:03 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Broadcom NIC problems?

In the IP Chimney thread there was a link to an article that alluded to
more general issues with Broadcom drivers in Win2k3.

I'm seeing some issues with a Dell PE2950 that we recently put into
service as a web server.  I first set the sysetem up using Windows Server
2003 x64 and had serious network throughput problems.  Even on the local
network (100 Mbps switch) I was seeing no better than about 130 kbps
throughput.  This was (and still is) without the TOE enabled.  I farked
around with it, trying different drivers until I finally gave up and
installed Win2k3 32-bit.  Much better network speeds.

But what I'm seeing is now is an occasional hiccup where a web page
appears to take several seconds to load.  This is actually a little
reminiscent of the original problem, as it would appear that the network
would experience varying speeds, with short periods of a couple seconds
that were extremely slow.

Looking at the page generation speeds, it's not the web or application
server, as the pages take just a fraction of a second to generate.
Everything points to continued networking problems.  Web sites from other
servers in the same web farm don't display this behavior, so it would seem
to be something with the PE2950 and not the network itself.  Anyone else
seeing something similar?  Suggestions for either a fix, or where to begin
troubleshooting would be appreciated.

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