Q.Which versions of Windows can be managed via Group Policy preference items?
A.Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1, 
and Windows XP with Service Pack 2 can all be managed via Group Policy 
preference items. 
Q.Do I need to install something on the client to enable Group Policy 
preference items?
A.Yes, there is a set of client-side extensions (CSEs) that will be released as 
a separate download for Windows Vista and Windows XP with Service Pack 2.



----- Original Message ----
From: Paul Lemonidis (NTL) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vista Enterprise in a Windows 2008 Domain

Hi Bryan

Many thanks for your reply. No, I didn't think of that. Not yet as I don't 
have access to it yet, as I'm not an Enterprise customer. Is that definitely 
the issue?

Many thanks in advance.


Paul Lemonidis.

From: "Bryan Garmon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Vista Enterprise in a Windows 2008 Domain

> Have you applied SP1 to the Vista client yet?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Lemonidis (NTL) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Vista Enterprise in a Windows 2008 Domain
> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2008 02:09:57 -0000
> Hi All
> I have a problem that just doesn't seem to make much sense on the face
> of it and I hope someone can help me please. I have built a test Windows
> 2008 Domain with two Domain controllers. They both have Exchange 2007
> SP1 should that be pertinent for any reason but for GPO stuff I fail to
> see how on the face of it. I have now added a new Vista Enterprise
> workstation. For testing purposes I created a new GPO and linked it
> at Domain level. I can modify policy and preference entries within and
> both DC's pick the settings just fine. I was also able to create
> a folder and file at the root of the C: drive on both DC's just fine too
> using my GPO. All  of these are under preferences. The thing is that the
> Vista machine will pick up policy entries but not preference ones? I
> have also tested against a Windows 2008 member server and this picks up
> all the settings just fine too. Has anyone got a clue as to why the
> Vista machine seems to discard preference settings from a 2008 Domain
> when the servers don't. Just to be complete, I also ran the GPO results
> wizard against the DC's and the workstation and this clearly showed the
> policy differences, in terms of settings that the workstation is
> ignoring.
> Does some special client or software need loading on the Vista
> machine or is there something I've missed please? I am running in
> Windows 2008 native mode. The abilities I have done above are ones that
> most pertinent to the desktop, so not being able to do them on Vista
> but on 2008 would seem to defy all logic. Does anyone know what is going
> on here please?

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