On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 4:01 PM, David Florea, SysAdmin
> Is a default for anything else?? is the default used by a *lot* of SOHO NAT equipment,
not just LinkSys.  Almost certainly, somebody has taken their
bitty-box home router with the built-in four-port-switch, and plugged
it into your LAN to get some extra ports, not even knowing they're
screwing up your LAN in the process.

  Assign as an IP address to a test machine, and ping from the test box.  Then check the ARP table to get the
MAC address of the rogue device.  The OUI part of the MAC address will
tell you the brand of device.  Then use your managed switches to track
down the port the rogue device is connected to.  If you don't have
manged switches, use a non-Microsoft ping tool to flood ping the device.  Follow the spastic link lights to find the port.

-- Ben

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