I tried using the IP address in an UNC path as shown below to a shared
folder and this did not work.

-----Original Message-----
From: Howard J Coates [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2008 2:47 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: crossover cable between 2 boxes to transfer files

Use the IP address in the UNC path? i.e. \\\Share

Warmest regards
Howard Coates - Director

IT, Internet & Networking Support Services
126 Main Street, Lower Largo, Fife, KY8 6BP, U.K.
Tel: 01333 329118  Mob: 07957 435549
Skype ID: howardcoates
www: www.coatesconsulting.co.uk
Registered In Scotland No. 171227
Registered Address: 19 East London Street, Edinburgh EH7 4ZD 
VAT Registration Number: 682 8131 23

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Krumel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 03 March 2008 20:44
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: crossover cable between 2 boxes to transfer files

I have 2 boxes and each contains 2 NICs.
The first is a 100mbps NIC used for the network
and hooked into a switch.  The second NIC is
a gigabit card.  Between the 2 gigabit cards I 
have a crossover cable so those 2 boxes can talk
at gigabit speed.  Each gigabit card is assigned
an IP address and entered into the boxes host file.

My question is how do I verify that when I transfer
files between these 2 boxes that it is using the crossover
cable and talking gigabit.  I am just using an unc path
to access a shared folder on the other box and then copying
the files.

I thought by entering in the IP addresses in the hosts file
it would force the 2 boxes to use the crossover cable.  Am
I correct?  What would I use to verify?



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