On Wed, Apr 9, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Eric Wittersheim
> Is there any way I can grant my developers permissions to register dll files
> to their local machine with out giving them local admin privies?

  I doubt this could be done to any effective gain.  Even if you
created a wrapper so they can only invoke DllSelfRegister on a given
DLL, anything in that DLL's routine will run privileged.  So they've
got all they need to royally screw things up or compromise security.
Fine-grained permissions won't help -- I'm pretty sure registering COM
controls and such requires write access to all of HKEY_CLASSES.  Same
issues.  Ultimately, developers doing test installs need all the
permissions usually reserved for local machine admins.

  Dedicated development testbed PCs used to be the usual method for
solving this issue.  These days, virtual machines are my preferred

-- Ben

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