I used to see this with earlier versions of IE on Terminal Server. Try
checking the box "Force offscreen compositing even under Terminal Server"

in the advanced tab of Internet Explorer properties.





From: Oliver Marshall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:40 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Odd IE menu issue


I've got a user on a TS box running 2003 and IE7. He reported that IE
'shakes' when changing website like a nudge in MSN. 


Looking at it, it appears that the menu bar, which is normally hidden, shows
and disappears several times while pages load. This causes the page to move
about, and sometimes the scroll bars appear, which add a horizontal motion. 


I've cleared his IE cache, and confirmed it doesn't happen when he logs on
to another server, but I can't solve it on this one server. Other users on
the same server don't have the same issue.


Anyone know what this might be ?






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