
Given the recent discussion on switches, especially HP and Cisco, I
thought I'd ask here. Any pointers would be appreciated.

I've just received my shiny new HP 3400cl, which is replacing my Cisco
2948G-L3. I haven't had time to config it, so handed it off to a local
firm to config for me, along with a 24-port version of the 2950Ts that
I'm using.

They have used to opportunity to learn about HP switches, at my
expense - apparently the guy they had on staff that knew this stuff
left just as I was going to hand it over, so they had a couple of
newbs configuring it. But, they can't seem to get it going correctly,
even after several days of trying.

I have them back in my hands, but am still buried, preparing to go on
vacation on Monday. I've got what I consider to be a pretty simple,
straightforward arrangement currently - 9 VLANs (the native VLAN
(unused), the management VLAN, one for each of 3 floors, one for
servers, one for wireless, one for IT, one for the firewall(s) and
related equipment), and some static routes to point across our IPSec
tunnels, and to an internal router I've set up - but the best
configuration they've come up with so far allows only partial
connectivity between the various subnets.

Can anyone point me to decent docs on getting these things to talk
with each other? I'd like to hit the ground running when I get back
from vacation, and be ready to implement.


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