Disclaimer: It's Friday!
The difference Rod is seeing is because he "forgot the floating city!"
$5 to the person who can name the obscure, horrible movie that I
actually paid money years ago to go see that has that outburst. It was
so bad, I remember making fun of the line during the movie, after the
movie, and even remembering the stupid name of the movie. It will be a
test of your Google-Fu (I think). If I give more details it becomes
easier to find.

For Rod's stuff, my guess would be optimized drivers, not that it
matters as long as it's working now.

Dave Lum  - Systems Engineer 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (971)-222-1025
"When you step on the brakes your life is in your foot's hands" 


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 25, 2008 6:37 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: 64Bit Vista on laptop?

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:37 AM, Ken Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Again - I doubt this is caused by CPU. Besides the almost 99.9%
instruction compatibility
> between the two, there would be /so/ many bench marks showing how
poorly AMD CPUs
> compare to Intel CPUs out there, especially in the driver forums etc.
Something else is up.

  While the instruction sets are compatible, there are significant
architectural differences between AMD and Intel CPUs.  That can affect

  A given microarchitecture may be good at one thing, but not so good
at another.  For example, one design may have good floating point
performance, while another may excel at integer calculations.  Another
scenario is that a given executable/library was built with compiler
optimization for a particular microarchitecture, and running on a
different microarchitecture yields a performance penalty, because one
design's optimization is another design's worst-case.  In the days of
the P4, a lot of programs ran slower on a P4 than a P3 or AMD, because
most executables were optimized in a way that was worst-case for the
P4's really deep pipeline.

  I'm not saying that's what's going on in Rod Trent's case, just that
there's more to a CPU than the instruction set.  Indeed, I think that
drawing the conclusion "Intel rocks; AMD sucks" from Rod Trent's
experience is premature.  Way too much changed.  For one, the AMD and
Intel chips are in no way compatible at the board level, so switching
CPUs also means you're switching memory controllers, disk controllers,
bus controllers, and who knows what else.  And that can mean not just
silicon, but quality of device driver code, too.

  He also switched from 32-bit Windows to 64-bit Windows.  AMD64 has
16 general-purpose registers, as opposed to the i386's 4/8.  Given
compiler optimization, that can make a big difference for function
calls, as it's more likely all arguments can be stored in registers
instead of pushed on to the stack.  I don't know anything about
architectural differences in the Windows code between i386 and AMD64,
but there may well significant reworking of the kernel, too.

  There may also have been issues with the software configuration his
old laptop, or a change in the architecture of his anti-virus
software, or who-knows-what.

  In short, far too much changed to simply blame it on the CPU.
Without profiling the systems to find out where the bottlenecks are,
we really can't know.  Of course, for Rod's purposes, that doesn't
matter -- all that matters is laptop Y is much faster than laptop X.
But that doesn't help the rest of us, unless we also happen to have
laptop X.  :)

-- Ben

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