What about this...

Turn on the Virtual Machine with the Windows XP CD in the drive or 
Boot from your Windows XP CD. 
Let it go thru the "Setup is Inspecting..." stage, the "Welcome to Setup" 
(choose Enter to Setup Windows Now), then F8 to accept the licensing 
Choose the Repair Option.  Choose which (if more than 1) installation. Let 
it run until it asks to reboot.
Do NOT choose the option to ?press any key to boot from CD? again.
Pay attention to the lower left hand part of the screen.  When it says 
?INSTALLING DEVICES?, press Shift ? F10.   It?ll bring up a command 
At the prompt, type in NUSRMGR.CPL and press Enter. You?ll be able to 
change any passwords.
Continue with the repair. New passwords will be in effect.

"Andy Shook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
04/29/2008 01:50 PM
Please respond to
"NT System Admin Issues" <ntsysadmin@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>

"NT System Admin Issues" <ntsysadmin@lyris.sunbelt-software.com>

remote reset of local admin password

Virtual XP Pro box on my ESX 3.5 cluster has had computer account deleted 
by a junior admin, whose arse I have already kicked.  No problem, pull it 
our of the domain and re add, right.  Yeah, well the local administrator 
password is not listed in my documentation.  (My fault; did not do it at 
time of P2V b\c this dude was getting fired and I was in pucker mode 
trying to lock out a high end developer out of everything rather 
quickly?/end rant)
Soooo..I can?t log in.  Ok, boot machine to my ultimate boot cd and local 
admin password reset utility.  But, utility can?t find the SAM b\c it 
can?t read the vmware virtual scsi drive.  OK, mount the floppy image with 
the VMWare XP Pro driver for the scsi disk.  No go; utilty is looking for 
a specific directory (/floppy/scsi). Tried creating /scsi directory on 
floppy image and coping driver into same, no go.
Been piddling with this for a while and I can?t get the driver loaded. Any 
pointers/ideas before I throw my mouse into the wall?

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