Not heat related, but do any of these servers you run receive email
for the company? My current contract has changed the default ttl on
outgoing email to only 1 day, down from the typical 3. Your servers
being off for 4 days, may mean a lot of bounced msgs...

On 4/29/08, John Hornbuckle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I had mentioned in an earlier thread we're looking at going to a 4-day
> work week over the summer so that air conditioning in our buildings
> could be shut off Thursday, Friday, and Saturday each week.
> Since our server rooms (aside from our NOC) aren't on separate A/C
> systems, this would mean completely shutting the servers down every
> Thursday and bringing them back up on Monday. We'd also need to do the
> same with all of the switches in our wiring closets.
> Upper management has seen the problems this could create, and it looks
> as though instead we'll be leaving the A/C on, but at a higher
> temperature. Our Dell servers are rated to run at up to 95 degrees with
> 80% humidity. I don't want to hit those levels, though, and am pushing
> for us to let temps get no higher than 85 degrees.
> My question is, could even this lead to problems down the road? I
> understand that it's within the operating range of the servers. However,
> it's still on the high side. It will result in higher-than-usual
> temperatures for the servers, and their fans will run at higher speeds
> (which, ironically, will consume more electricity and partially offset
> the money we're trying to save). The fans are mechanical devices, so
> running at higher speeds would have to reduce their lifespans somewhat,
> I would think. Any other considerations? Effects on other components of
> the servers?
> John Hornbuckle
> MIS Department
> Taylor County School District
> 318 North Clark Street
> Perry, FL 32347
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