Hi Ben,

The ping we initiated was to see if the VPN itself was dropping.
You are correct, this remote user has moments they have no activity on
the telnet session. At five minutes, the connection terminates.

I've gone through all TCP settings on both VPN devices. Everything is
set beyond 5 minutes at 30 or 600 minutes.

The telnet software itself doe NOT have a "keep alive" setting. Even if
the user is in the middle of an order, typing, the connection gets
dropped so it's not related to activity within the telnet session.

We have clients on our side of the firewall that are NOT having this
problem. This one remote user is the only connection that is
experiencing this.

I'm on the phone with Sonicwall techs now. They state everything is set
correctly on my side. We're doing a packet trace now.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 10:12 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Time out issue

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Tom Strader <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> We even started a ping to an IP on the same subnet. Ping never blinked
> at 4 minutes the Telnet session dies.
> There is a timeout value for NAT translations and packet streams..

  ICMP is stateless; each Echo Request is independent from all the
others.  So if you're running "ping -t", the NAT doesn't see that as a
"connection", it sees it as a bunch of individual Echo Request
messages, over and over again.  So that will be a different scenario
vs Telnet.  Telnet uses TCP, which is statefull -- there's a
connection setup, which all following datagrams will be associated

  Are these Telnet sessions sitting idle (no keystrokes or screen
updates)?  I'm guessing there has been no activity, so no datagrams
are being sent as part of that TCP connection.  The NAT eventually
decides the connection has died without being closed properly, and
drops the state it uses to keep track of that TCP connection.

  If that's the problem, look for a feature in your Telnet software
for something called "keep alive".  That will cause the system to send
an occasional datagram, even though there's been no real activity.
That should keep the NAT happy.

  If the NAT is just putting a hard limit of 4 minutes on even active
connections, then the only solution is to adjust that limit.

  Most good NAT implementations let you adjust the limits
independently.  It's generally fine to have a very long (days, weeks,
even months) limit for active sessions.  As long as there's data
flowing, we don't care how long that connection is being used for.
But be cautious about setting the "idle timeout" too long.  The NAT
may accumulate a lot of state about dead connections, leading to
resource exhaustion in the NAT.  How long "too long" is depends on the
capabilities of your NAT, the total load, and how often connections
die without a proper TCP close.

-- Ben

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