Process explorer?  file level auditing?

We had an issue a few years ago, and more recently, where McAffee file
level scanning did not properly honor wild card exclusions per their
docs and it grabbed the edb a few times.  We found this out by opening
up and just watching the real time scanning in McAffee, then disabling
it on the server after watching it grab the file twice.

Other things to check maybe, disk io latency.  If you are having
momentary time outs/lags that exceed the limits that could kill the
Exchange service as well, something else we had issue with as well.

Learning experiences are awesome sometimes, other times, not so much.


On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Oliver Marshall
> Chaps,
> Is there a way that I can find out what file has tried to access E00.log and
> caused my db to dismount ? It's happened twice in two weeks now. After the
> first time we even turned off the file AV scanner (though the edb and mdb
> locations where excluded from the scan) but still it happened.
> Theres little running on this box, its SBS 2003, it has ESET (spit on the
> floor anyone?) and thats about it.
> Any ideas ?
> Olly

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