I rolled it out on a couple of pcs at the office as a last ditch effort with
some .net35 issues and it actually worked and fixed my .net issue, yeah me!

-----Original Message-----
From: Angus Scott-Fleming [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2008 10:42 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: WinXpSP3 from Windows Updates

On 9 May 2008 at 8:14, David W. McSpadden  wrote:

> Had a couple family members call last night about SP3 killing their
> machines. They use Windows Updates nightly and when they rebooted their
> machine it wouldn't come up. After many SafeMode boots I called
> and they told me there is an issue with the WindowsUpdate version of SP3
> to have it blocked from being downloaded on any other machine until it is
> resolved. They seemed to know all about it because they stepped me through
> the correct SafeMode fix for it. 
> Didn't know what anybody else knew. 

For those who want to hold off for a while, this blocking tool from
works well:

    Download details: Windows Service Pack Blocker Tool Kit
    or here if the above wraps unusably: http://preview.tinyurl.com/4t3lql

It contains a batch-file, an executable program, and an ADM template.

I saw an interesting write-up on problems with SP3 and AMD-processor
with OEM install images here:

  Windows XP Service Pack 3 endless reboots
  Posted by woody on 08 May 2008 - 17:47:16 Windows Patches/Security
    Do you have an HP computer with an AMD processor?

    If so, and you have Windows XP's Automatic Updates turned on, you may be

    in for an unpleasant surprise.  

    Long-time Microsoft observer and MVP Jesper Johansson got bit:  

    "Last night WSUS deployed XP Service Pack 3 to the sole remaining 
    computer running XP that I have. This morning, I came down and was 
    greeted with incessant reboots. The computer booted, apologized for 
    not being able to boot properly, asked if I wanted to boot into safe 
    mode, defaulted to normal boot, rebooted, and so on and so on.  

    It would boot into safe mode fine, so I did that. Not knowing what it 
    was, I ran a disk check, which turned out to be a real mistake. Once 
    I configured the computer to run a disk check at startup it would not 
    even boot into safe mode.  

    Fortunately, I know Bill Castner, another Microsoft MVP, and he 
    pointed me to a solution. It turns out that this computer is running 
    an OEM OS image from HP. HP, apparently along other OEMs, deploy the 
    same image to Intel-based computers that they do to AMD-based 
    computers. That means they all have the intelppm.sys driver installed 
    and running. That driver provides power management on Intel-based 
    computers. On an AMD-based computer, amdk8.sys provides the same 

    Ordinarily, having intelppm.sys running appears to cause no problems. 
    However, on the first reboot after a service pack installation, it 
    causes a big problem. The computer either fails to boot, as in my 
    case, or crashes with a STOP error code of 0x0000007e. It will boot 
    into safe mode because the drivers are disabled there. ....   


I checked and my Lenovo running an AMD Athlon 64 X2 does NOT have amdk8.sys,
has the intelppm.sys driver.  I have NOT applied SP3 to this box, but on my 
lone SP3 test box, which has a Celeron processor, SP3 applied fine.

Angus Scott-Fleming
GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona

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