On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 5:07 PM, Andy Ognenoff
> I guess the real question is then, getting back to the OP's question, will
> OpenVPN connect with an ASA without issue?

  Nope.  OpenVPN uses its own protocol.  It uses SSL/TLS for the
crypto, but the management and tunneling protocols are unique to
OpenVPN.  They're documented, but I don't know of anyone else
implementing them, let alone Cisco.

  However, you can get an IPsec implementation for Linux (called
"OpenS/WAN"), so you could run that on the LinkSys or other bitty-box.
 Performance will be poor, though.  The CPUs in those bitty-boxes tend
to be pretty underpowered for doing crypto.  There are some
bitty-boxes with crypto accelerator hardware, but I haven't played
with it.

  Setting up OpenS/WAN was rather complicated, last I used it.
OpenVPN is a lot simpler; but it's not a standard protocol.

-- Ben

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