Hi all,


I've been asked to look into moving from mixed to native mode for our
single domain/tree, multiple DC network, we're all 2000 SP4 or 2003 SP2
DC's. Nothing NT4 aside from one legacy application member server
serving an Oracle database and some file sharing for a renegade (i.e.
separately funded, politically protected) department. 


If we move to native, is this NT4 server still going to be
contactable/alive/working? I can't see anything on the web other than
concern about W2K clients that will have issues (e.g. group policy) in
the absence of W2K DC's (which we have anyway). Does NTLM Authentication
disappear, thus so does the NT4 server?


Excuse the rather old-hat nature of this question, I haven't been party
to infrastructure AD stuff for long, I guess we haven't changed over yet
because it's never been needed that badly.







Neal Palmer
Senior Technical Support Officer

Systems and Communications Services
Information Services Division

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