With PowerShell and the Quest AD cmdlets it would be more along the lines of

$user = "juser"
(get-QADuser $user ).memberof | get-qadgroup | select-object Name |
export-cvs ./report.csv

To do all the users you could loop through them from a list or an AD
query with Get-QADuser.  If you used the list you would avoid random
service accounts, unless your users are in a specific OU and you did
the Get-QADuser on that specific OU.

Steven Peck

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 8:13 AM, Eric Woodford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've used this tool with decent success.. I think it is more Exchange
> focused, but might do your job for AD groups too.. Otherwise PowerShell and
> something like get-qadGroup "Groupname" could do it in a rough format..
> http://www.imanami.com/products/smartr/
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 7:58 AM, wjh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We have a client that will require quarterly reports regarding AD users
>> and the groups to which they belong.  Is there an easy and possibly free
>> tool out there to provide a legible list of users and the groups the user is
>> in.  This isn't any big enterprise AD environment.  Only about 30 users who
>> are currently on an SBS.  I know there are a couple of dsquery commands that
>> will list users and groups, but that doesn't really seem to get me very
>> close to providing a list that basically says this user has these
>> memberships, this user has these memberships, and have it organized by OU.
>>  I just don't want to spend a few hours exporting the info and cutting and
>> pasting to a report so that it is discernible to someone else outside of the
>> AD admin...especially if they will require this quarterly.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Bill
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