Hi list,

I am experiencing a weird RDP client issue.

I am using Vista SP1 which has MSTSC.exe v 6.0.6001.18000.

This client works fine for all out 2003 and 2000 servers and used to work
fine for our new 2008 Terminal Server until yesterday, and on this one
terminal server when I connect it works for approx 2 minutes then gives the
following error

Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
  Application Name:    mstsc.exe
  Application Version:    6.0.6001.18000
  Application Timestamp:    47919247
  Fault Module Name:    x2upB3.dll
  Fault Module Version:    5072.0.0.0
  Fault Module Timestamp:    47d02900
  Exception Code:    c0000005
  Exception Offset:    00052ec4
  OS Version:    6.0.6001.
  Locale ID:    2057
  Additional Information 1:    6d4b
  Additional Information 2:    8916a1cb49db423bb3a1e1599f2683a8
  Additional Information 3:    48f0
  Additional Information 4:    9b67a565c27498a60a83d5506b3f98cc

I cannot find any info on the net, and the client connects to all other TS's
with no issue, and my colleagues PC with Vista SP1 connects to this TS with
no issues.

I have no other 2008 servers to test the connection to.

Any one got any ideas as to how I can resolve this.



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