On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 3:11 PM, Phil Brutsche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Google says that first line indicates an EtherChannel misconfiguration -
> one side is configured for EtherChannel and the other isn't.

This would make sense, in a way, in that the 3400cl is replacing a
2948G-L3. But, again, the 2950T-24 worked with the 3400cl where the
2950T-48 didn't.

> BTW I find that HyperTerminal Private Edition works better than the
> HyperTerminal shipped with Windows. It appears to no longer be freeware,
> but the last freeware edition (6.3) can be located via Google.
> We use SecureCRT (http://www.vandyke.com/products/securecrt/index.html);
> it's a much better product and works better for our needs (we're a
> reseller of used network infrastructure equipment). If you don't need
> the SSH features the plain CRT product is cheaper.

Nice to know. I just checked - Putty can do a serial port. I've just
installed that on the really old Sony Win9x laptop we upgraded to
Win2k to deal with this. I think that'll come in handy.

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