I have 2 virtual NICs on the machine. The NIC that has the IP address of
the DNS server is configured to not register with DNS. Also, no
protocols other than TCP/IP are bound to that NIC.






From: Jon Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2008 2:11 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Server 2008 DNS / Firewall Problem


John, if you are using multiple IP's assigned to one NIC on a virtual
machine and the virtual machine is 2008 expect problems with 2003 DNS.
I have several web sites and multilple FTP as well as one SMTP server on
one virtual 2008 server and if I have the register with the DNS is
checked ALL of the IP's check in as the same machine, as well as their
web/ftp/smtp/printer.  Messes up remote access as well.  I think that
might have been the issue yesterday with the "firewall" blocking the FTP
sites.  I am still trouble shooting this but I do know that if you
change it back to register in DNS it wipes the static entry and resets
everything wrong again.



On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 3:57 PM, John Hornbuckle

Will do. I've also posted on a couple of TechNet forums. So far everyone
is stumped, but I have to make this work, so I'll keep plugging away.


I'm doing the same as you, decommissioning several end-of-life 2003
servers. I only have one 2008 server, though, and am running Hyper-V to
have multiple VMs taking on the roles of the old servers. Consolidating
is a pain, but will be worth it in the end. I've moved several functions
off of older 2003 servers, but I still haven't been able to shut one
down completely yet because there are still a few lingering tasks.





From: Jon Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:54 PM 

To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Server 2008 DNS / Firewall Problem


At the moment then I am out of ideas.  I am having fun moving and
decommissioning a 2003 web/ftp/print server and bringing up a
replacement 2008 one in it's place.  Trouble shooting has to wait until
I have enough done to justify the time since not of these "problems"
affect anyone but "me" at the moment.  I only have 2 more stubborn
printers to get installed on the server and then go and touch all the
clients and make sure they are getting the new printers.  XP machines
seem to be having the most issues with the new print server.  Web and
ftp are done and golden.  If you find something before I do please post
back to the list.



On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 3:43 PM, John Hornbuckle

Yeah, I forgot to mention that I had tried that. I shut down the
firewall service completely, but these errors continued to be logged.
Also, I have IPv6 disabled on the server.







From: Jon Harris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 3:42 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Server 2008 DNS / Firewall Problem


John try shutting down the firewall and see if they go away.  If so then
you may have the same issue I had this morning with IIS v7.  It appears
that there is something in the internal firewall that does not like
certain features, and no I have not had time to trouble shoot this yet.
It might also be that you have the machine using IP v6 and IP v4.  I had
to shutdown IP v6 on my DNS/DS because I did not have a fixed IP v6
address for the machine.  Another trouble shooting thing for me to do.



On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 3:33 PM, John Hornbuckle

I have a separate DNS server here for external queries. That server
isn't AD-integrated, and only contains a handful of records for hosts
that need to be reached from the outside world. This task has been
handled by a Server 2003 server.

I've shut down DNS on that server and moved its IP address to a new
Server 2008 server. But for some reason, the Server 2008 machine is
blocking all DNS queries from any other machine (on our network or off).
Windows Firewall is configured to allow inbound and outbound TCP/UDP
traffic on port 53, so that doesn't seem to be the issue. But I get a
ton of these in the Security Log:

The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection.

Application Information:
 Process ID:  1404
 Application Name: \device\harddiskvolume1\windows\system32\dns.exe

Network Information:
 Direction:  Inbound
 Source Address: <> 
 Source Port:  53
 Destination Address: <> 
 Destination Port:  58058
 Protocol:  17

Filter Information:
 Filter Run-Time ID: 0
 Layer Name:  Receive/Accept
 Layer Run-Time ID: 44

The <>  machine is the DNS server,
and the <> 
machine is I'm trying to do a query from using nslookup. But I've also
got lots of entries like these from other hosts trying to query the

I'm stumped as to why this traffic is being blocked. Any ideas?

John Hornbuckle
MIS Department
Taylor County School District
318 North Clark Street
Perry, FL 32347

www.taylor.k12.fl.us <http://www.taylor.k12.fl.us/> 

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