Hi all,

We offer support services to many companies, and one of our existing
customers (who are due for renewal) has started to make noises about us
passing Questionairres/feedback forms to their management team and a few
random end users.

To and I quote "extract information from people, letting us know what they
expect from their support, but that they might not know they expect", they
have mentioned this a few times with regards to contracts they are working
on with their clients and have not actually came right out and said we
should do this.

Other things that have been mentioned are "I know that I know what I expect
from a support company but I don't know if it is my concious mind, and
correctly worded questions will be able to bring that information to the
fore and allow a suppor provider to ensure that their offering matches my

So we think that it would be good to make up questionaires and carry out
interviews with certain staff members to "Get" this information out of them.

Unfortunately no on ehere has the 1st clue about where to start with this
and my google fu skills are weak today as I cant find anything.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to where we can start.



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