I get irritated.


I’m a “small business owner” with a minority partner. Our revenue is what it
is. But we’ve already got a 40% tax bite PLUS what it costs us to run the
business (supplies, travel, marketing – TANSTAAFL).


It’s a VERY rare week when I get to work only 40 hours a week.


And yet…because I work hard for my money, I was willing to take a risk and
go out “on my own”, and was somewhat successful – I should pay even MORE for
that? Even after the self-employment tax I already pay?


Bah. It’s almost enough to make me want to go flip burgers.




Michael B. Smith, MCITP:SA,EMA/MCSE/Exchange MVP

My blog: http://TheEssentialExchange.com/blogs/michael

Link with me at: http://www.linkedin.com/in/theessentialexchange


From: Benjamin Zachary - Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:35 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: So... how is the recession affecting your buying decisions?


To the top few percent, they have money all over the world. Raising taxes
here and there in the grand scheme of things doesn’t make much difference. 

America levies pretty hefty taxes, and I think it was something like the top
5% earners pay about 50% of the taxes in this country, between income tax,
luxury tax etc. Now you want those same 5% to pay another 10%? Or 20%?


Notice how the bar keeps sliding, it went from 250k, to 200k and Biden even
said 150k the other day. 150k for a dual working family is far from rich!
And to pay another 1,500.00/yr or so in taxes (forget higher prices on top)
only means no vacation that year, or wait an extra year to buy that car, or
upgrade the house. 


People who make money know HOW to make it, they treat a dollar like an
employee, having the dollar sit in a bank does not make more revenue for
them. trickle down economics work because if you can get more people to buy
more of your goods then you make more money. Then you hire more people
because production is up, and then profits go up with it. Raising taxes,
means you do more with less, because sales go down because you have to raise
the price of your goods to compensate for the higher tax. 


The thing that disgusts me is that people think they are entitled to more.
In the tax cut for 95% of America, 40% of those don’t pay income tax. So the
only way to lower their tax any more is to give them a check, that is called
welfare, the government handing out checks for money you didn’t earn, this
is also called socialism as a common definition.


So if 40% of America is going to get a ‘check’ back then 40% of America is
in a welfare system. The problem is these programs for people are out there.
When I was struggling we were on Medicaid when my wife got pregnant and were
taken care of just great. The programs are there, people think they deserve
a check.


Did anyone see the woman complaining about how she can only afford ½ gallon
of milk and not a full gallon. First off she was extremely overweight so
food didn’t seem to be a problem, there was a 2 liter coke bottle in the
background, and she had those long curvy designed nails, which costs about
50 bucks. So while shes crying she cant afford milk, she can afford soda,
and to get her nails done. I guess she will get a nice big ‘check’ so she
can get her nails done more often.

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