On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Eric Brouwer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a Windows 2003 Server acting as my print server, among other roles.
> I have two specialty printers (DVD labeler and a bar code printer) I need to
> make available to everyone.  Problem is, they are both USB printers ...

  If you haven't already, test them locally attached to the server
first.  Some printers just don't share well (or at all).  There's a
lot of crappy software out there.

> ... and need to be located away from the server.

  I used a device called a "USB Ethernet extender" in the past for
something like this.  It's a pair of small boxes.  Both have Ethernet
ports and get an IP address.  One plugs into the server and acts like
the printer.  One plugs into the printer and acts like the server.  I
guess they don't work with some kinds of USB devices, but it worked
for the test equipment we had in that scenario.

  It's been long enough that I've forgotten what brand/model we used
for that trick, but Google results seem promising:


-- Ben

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