This just might be a 'keeper':

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Customer Service: Skip straight to the operator with your dirty mouth

  Reader Martin writes:

        Many IVR (interactive voice response) systems are programmed to 
    recognize key words. Among those keywords are frequently a list of 
    swear words, like the FCC's dirty 7. When asked to respond, use on of 
    those epithets and you will likely be transferred directly to a live 
    human being. 

    It certainly doesn't have the relaxed sophistication of GetHuman, but if 
    it gets the job done... as they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I 
    gave it a try this morning, and I'll let you know how it went after the 

    After calling a couple phone numbers with IVR systems and not having too 
    much luck (I could have been saying anything, as long as it wasn't on 
    their menu they were confused). But my third try did the trick. The IVR 
    operator gave me a list of options, I said, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and he 
said: "I think 
    you said you want to talk to a customer service agent. Is this correct?"

    Anyone else out there given this a try? Let us know how it went in the 
    comments or at tips at - Adam Pash

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