Highpoint Technologies Tech Support doesn't open for another 3 hours -
so i'm hoping someone on this list might have a suggestion on how to
resolve a problem.

I installed a RocketRAID 1640 controller into a Dell PowerEdge 840
Server to replace the RAID controller that shipped with the PowerEdge.
The RocketRAID is now the only RAID controller in the server.

I'm attempting to install Windows Small Business Server 2003.

The RocketRAID built my RAID5 array successfully, I press F6 during
the OS boot install process and I select the Windows 2003 Driver that
I downloaded this morning from Highpoint (v 2.06s). The Windows OS
recognizes the driver, allows me to format the array into the
partition scheme I want, then the OS copies a few more files from the OS
install CD before prompting me with the message:

"Insert the disk labeled:
RocketRAID 154x/1640 Controller Driver Diskette into drive a:
Press ENTER when ready."

F3=Quit ENTER=Continue

I already have the driver diskette loaded into the floppy drive, and
pressing ENTER does nothing. The disk drive light does not even light
up. Pressing F3 does allow the OS install the quite but I can not get
Windows setup to continue.

I flashed the BIOS on the RAID controller card when I realized it was
older, and so after flashing the BIOS of the RocketRAID to version
2.06s and retrying the OS install, I'm halted at the same point.

Why is the OS prompting for the drivers a second time and preventing
the successful installation?

I have reformatted the floppy drive used to store the drivers for the
OS install, I have re-dowloaded the setup files thinking maybe the
file was corrupted - no change.

I'm at a loss for why this is hanging.


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