
How do you determine what hash the CA is using for a particular certificate? 
You can't do that just be looking at the CA's root cert. You need to look at 
the actual cert presented by the web server or similar.

However, if you can find a list of CAs somewhere (e.g. if someone's compiled a 
list and stuck it up on the web) that shows what hash they do use, then you 
could use that to selectively remove CA certs. Just be aware of unintended 
consequences (e.g. if you have anything like a webservice that runs unattended 
and can no longer connect due to cert trust issues)


-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Meyer [mailto:troy.me...@monacocoach.com] 
Sent: Friday, 2 January 2009 4:23 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Hackers create rogue CA certificate using MD5 collisions

Thanks for the clarification Ken. 

Your last comment said the only way to prevent the issue would be to examine 
each cert presented and see if the sig is encrypted with MD5, but following up 
on Tim's comment: if you removed all CAs from your Trusted Root Store that used 
MD5 on their sigs (all of the CAs that would be vulnerable to this attack) 
wouldn't that mean remove the risk? 

Thought being: if a hacker created a fake intermediate CA, but your machine 
doesn't trust the CA at the top of the chain (because you removed it from your 
trusted root store), wouldn't you in turn not trust that fake intermediate (and 
any of its falsely issued certificates)?


-----Original Message-----
From: Ken Schaefer [mailto:k...@adopenstatic.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 7:32 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Hackers create rogue CA certificate using MD5 collisions

This isn't the issue at all at the moment.

Root CA certs can be signed in crayon, as long as you trust the integrity of 
the cert, you are OK.

No one is cracking root CA certs. They are generating certificate requests (two 
of them - one for an end point purpose e.g. web server authentication, and one 
for an intermediate CA) that will result in the same signing hash from the CA 
if the CA is using MD5


-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Meyer [mailto:troy.me...@monacocoach.com] 
Sent: Thursday, 1 January 2009 9:09 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Hackers create rogue CA certificate using MD5 collisions

If the PS3 guys can crack an MD5 encrypted root certificate, they can create 
their own CA that looks like a trusted authority and in turn the CA can issue 
certificates that appear to be from that fake trusted authority.  If a public 
CA has a root cert that is encrypted with SHA1 they aren't susceptible (yet) to 
having their certs faked.

Faked certs could be used to make false websites look secure or genuine, could 
be used to deploy software that appears to be from a trusted vendor, or could 
be used to gain access to services/systems authenticated through public certs.

Hopefully this will be a kick in the rear to CAs using MD5.  If you run a site 
or service that uses certs from CAs like Equifax, Thawte, or GTE (all have at 
least one valid CA with a root cert encrypted with MD5), check your cert and 
the encryption of the signature at the top of the certificate path. If your 
root cert was encrypted with MD5, I would get your CA on the phone and have a 
conversation about possible risks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Scott [mailto:mailvor...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 1:06 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Hackers create rogue CA certificate using MD5 collisions

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 11:13 AM, David Lum <david....@nwea.org> wrote:
> Microsoft is not aware of specific attacks against MD5, so previously
> issued certificates that were signed using MD5 are not affected and do not
> need to be revoked. This issue only affects certificates being signed using
> MD5 after the publication of the attack method.

  I thought the idea was that an attacker would forge a certificate,
with info matching an existing certificate, but using a private key of
their own, and then set their fleet of PlayStation 3's to work to come
up with an MD5 collision, so they could use the signature from a real
certificate to sign their forgery.  Or something like that.  So not
only does this affect already-issued certificates, it depends on them.
 Or am I misunderstanding?

> Most public Certificate Authority roots no longer use MD5 to sign
> certificates, but have upgraded to the more secure SHA-1 algorithm.

  But as long as browsers still accept the older certificates, they'd
still be vulnerable, right?

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