Eric Brouwer <> wrote on 01/06/2009 11:55:14 AM:

> I'm trying to copy files from an NT server to a Windows 2003 server. 
> I am running into the problem of file/path name limitations.  I am 
> trying to do this from Windows Explorer, and I keep getting the file 
> name is too long error.  Is there another utility I can use to 
> accomplish the copy?

File Server Resource Manger (Server 2003 R2 and above) might be able to 
screen out long file names:

But as noted, robocopy is a much better copy utility - in addition to 
handling long file names/paths it can also resume interrupted copies, copy 
only new files that have changed since the last copy and a whole host of 
other things.  There are also some GUI shells for robocopy too that were 
discussed on the list.

Eric Eskam
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