On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Murray Freeman <mfree...@alanet.org> wrote:
> Initially, I was very impressed by how quick it opened, but
> in the last couple of weeks, it's ridiculouly slow.

  Try clearing cache/cookies/history?

  If that doesn't help... with MSIE 6, I've seen seen that sort of
behavior with corrupt cookie/history/cache files.  I'll explain the
process in case it can be adapted to MSIE 8.  Also, the details of
this are for Win 2000/XP; Vista is a little different.

  Anyway, the solution is to delete the files.  Not just clear the
contents using the UI, but delete them outright.  This does mean you
will loose your cookies and history.

  First, exit any major applications, like MS Office.  If possible,
close all windows.

  Next, you have to exit all Microsoft Internet/Windows Explorer
processes, including the Windows shell.  Open a command prompt window.
 Then click Start, Shutdown to get the shutdown dialog box.  While
holding down the [CTRL], [SHIFT], and [ALT] keys on the keyboard,
click the (Cancel) button in the GUI.  This causes Explorer to do a
clean exit.  (You can nuke it from Task Manager, of course, but that's
not a clean shutdown, and can lead to the very corruption we're trying
to fix.)

  Now nuke the three directories in question:

        RMDIR /S "%USERPROFILE%\Cookies"
        RMDIR /S "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files"
        RMDIR /S "%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\History"

  Re-start the shell with:


  See if the problem goes away.

> I'm concerned that perhaps it's something on my machine, so
> I do not want to make a decision until I have all the facts.

  Indeed, always a good idea.  I like to use a "clean install" in a VM
for my testing of this sort.  It ensures I won't have any "baggage"
from previous whatever.  I make extensive use of VMware snapshots to
save "known-good" states, and revert to them and/or fork from them as

-- Ben

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