Don't know what you mean by bit larger, we have a little over 20K
regular users, only a SMB to some. I am one of 2.5 FTE's dedicated for
AD support, we are in what is now called Windows Server Services under
Computing Services which is under Infrastructure Services. Sr. Director
has all IT Infrastructure, under her is  our Director who has all
Computing from the mainframes down to the handhelds.. My manager is
responsible for all elements of  ~1800 Wintel servers, my team lead has
us AD folks, Exchange, BES, VMWARE, UNITY, the various product managers,
a couple of system solution design types (we can't call them engineers
anymore) and a couple of specialized services such as the Call and
Billing Center  services. Then there are other separate teams for
responsible for deployment, field operations and data center ops under
Windows. There are similar manager level teams for mainframe, *nix,
Web-cross platform and storage.


>From what I have seen it varies according to the organization, I know of
one large (~30 in the Fortune 500) financial Co in the US that has the
Security department govern everything related to AD as they are
extremely risk-avoidance driven and their IT process maturity is very
high. They have their processes so developed they run their high level
AD groups empty.


There was a good discussion of this very subject on activedir in 2007
with some people responsible for large orgs weighing in. You can find in
the archives under "Active Directory Team Placement in
an Organization"


Brian D supports some very big environments, maybe he will weigh in


From: Barsodi.John [] 
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 4:32 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Active Directory Responsibility question


Question for you guys....and this is geared to the people who work in a
bit larger IT/IS Organizations.  
What team within your IT/IS org has responsibility of your active
directory environment?


I think it's typically in the System Administration realm, but if it's
in another group/team i.e. Security - why?




- John Barsodi



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