At a small remote research site of ours we are changing ISPs.  We have a
Exchnage Server and 2 web servers whose MX and A records are with our
currents ISP.  I have a question so we don't lose mail flow and I want
to make sure our web sites aren't down too long.
We are moving to Time Warner Business and they basically gave me the
power to create my own MX, A, PTR etc in their DNS with a login they
gave me.  They set up a DNS zone for our company.  Do I have to first
call our current provider and tell them that we are discontinuing our
service so they take our records out of DNS so I can add the new ones?
Or should I create the new MX record and give it a weight of like 30?
Currently we have a MX record with weights of 10 and 20 with our current
I am figuring once I cut our connection over to Time Warner and I call
our current ISP to cancel our account that they will kill our MX record
and our 4 public IPS and A records we have.  I guess I am just a little
confused when I should create the new MX record and what I should do
with the current MX.
On the screen for MX record for our domain it has the following fields
to fill in:
Domain Name:
Host Value:
Mail Exchange:
I know what to put in for domain, what goes in the other slots.
Thanks for the help, I just CAN'T hinder mailflow for this branch at

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