I think the idea is that if you prohibit the reuse of the same password
for x number of changes, this prevents the user from cycling through
several consecutive changes in order to be able to use the same password
they started with, thus defeating the policy requiring password changes.



From: Michael B. Smith [mailto:mich...@owa.smithcons.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 11:58 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: RE: Password Policy - - how do you handle this?


I don't think the behavior is as you expect.


Fire up a virtual AD and check. :-)


But I still think it's silly. YMMV.



From: Jeremy Anderson [jer...@mapiadmin.net]
Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 11:39 AM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Password Policy - - how do you handle this?

The security guy is insisting that we set the Min Password Age to 1 day.
I agree in theory that this is a swell idea, but in practice, I think it
will be a disaster.


We have users that forget their passwords every other day (Don't ask)
and company politics that are going to let this bad habit continue.
Admins reset the password, and set the flag that says "Must change
password on next logon"


I say, that the user will never get prompted to reset the next time they
login, or that changing it will fail, because the password is now less
than one day old.


Security guy says "Not having that set is a bad idea, other companies do
it, make it happen"


How do you guys deal with this?








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