From: Klint Price - ArizonaITPro [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 9:30 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Sorry for the simple question but I'm a developer not a Sys
Admin Guru


Is the program accessing the database via ODBC? Is it an application
level uid/pw?
Direct TCP/IP std sql port. UID / PWD allows access to application but
verifies against sql so if you are inferring that the failure comes when
trying to access SQL I would say no. I think it comes at a different
point which I described in a response to Tom Miller.

John P. Bonner wrote: 

Both shares are on the same server.

Both shares are shared out with everyone full control. We were trying to
get it to work and we would tighten down from there.

I honestly don't know where the network challenge comes from originally.
Both shares are open to everyone full control. So I am *ASSUMMING* the
network challenge is coming from the client & server not knowing each
other so there is a credentials challenge BEFORE even showing the




From: Klint Price - ArizonaITPro [] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 4:37 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Sorry for the simple question but I'm a developer not a Sys
Admin Guru


Are the two shares on different servers, or the same server?

Is the UID and PW the same for both shares, or different?


John P. Bonner wrote: 



Sorry for the lame question but I am trying to figure out exactly what
is going on. We have a server in a central office and we connect to the
corporate network via vpn. The server is not on a domain and 99% of the
workstations are not in a domain of any sort either.


Client ABC logs into local machine with some username

Client ABC connects to the vpn.

Client ABC accesses \\XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX\sharename

Client ABC is challenged for a UID & PWD

Client ABC enters correct Network Resource UID & PWD

Client ABC sees files and folders on share

Client ABC can work with files no problem

Client ABC opens a program that is installed locally but accesses a
database on \\XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX\sharename

Client ABC program opens and asks for uid & pwd to database

Client ABC enters the UID & PWD for database and access granted

Client ABC program halts looking for \\XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX\sharename2

Client ABC has full access to this share as well but the locally
executing program *MUST* (I am assuming here) use the credentials of the
logged on user *NOT* the credentials Client ABC entered above to gain
access to the resource.


I make the above statement because if I create a local windows account
with the Network Resource UID & PWD from and log in under that account
everything runs smoothly.



So my questions for you professionals is how to best solve this problem.
Creating hundreds of user accounts on the server would be maintenance


Would creating the account on the local machine then giving the locally
installed exe run as (Network Resource UID & PWD) solve it?



Thoughts or suggestions greatly appreciated.


Thank You













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