I would just keep a workstation around to "probe" the environment, gracefully shutdown the server via shutdown.exe, wait a few minutes, cut the power to the server, and then when the conditions are right, turn the power back on. Just have the server set to auto-power on when power resumes (a bios setting).

David Elebute wrote:
Well Klint, that is what we have, it is a power spectrum 8-outlet device that 
monitors voltage and temp, and we have thresholds setup for both and we wanted 
to try a stress test that lets say the server room goes to 72 degrees we want 
to shutdown the servers connected on the 8 outlets in a sequence that is preset.
i thought i could run the batch script to shutdown and restart after lets say 1 
hour or after the temp gets back to the preset level. And this device can 
cutoff the power to the outlets, but how to restart the Dell servers and our 
Mitel PBX.
Just trying to get some answers.
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