Yeah, I was able to prove that was the source.  Thanks for all your help guys.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Buff [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 4:14 PM
To: NT System Admin Issues
Subject: Re: Finding a neddle in a haystack

So, I think my comment stands - you'll need to monitor port 1733, IIRC.

That's easy enough to do, as someone else pointed out, with 'netstat
-anp tcp | findstr 1733', or by installing wireshark on the machine
and building a bpf filter for that source port.

I like wireshark because you can just log packets to a file for review
later, but if you've got the other party on the telephone, and
he/she/it can initiate the query while you're talking, then the
netstat command is much less intrusive.


On Thu, Jun 4, 2009 at 16:05, Jim Majorowicz <> wrote:
> He was pulling information from some SQL utility.
> From: Brian Desmond []
> Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 1:17 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: RE: Finding a neddle in a haystack
> So MAC addresses are only locally significant. If you’ve got this machine
> offsite then there’s no way that MAC address is showing up on your end
> unless the app is carrying it as metadata or something…
> Thanks,
> Brian Desmond
> c - 312.731.3132
> Active Directory, 4th Ed -
> Microsoft MVP -
> From: Jim Majorowicz []
> Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 1:37 PM
> To: NT System Admin Issues
> Subject: Finding a neddle in a haystack
> The developer for one of my clients is trying to figure out what is causing
> his app to crash on a regular basis.  He’s begun to fixate on a system I
> can’t positively identify that connects via SQL on a regular basis.  I
> suspect it’s the hosted web server, but I don’t have to contact information
> for the hosting company, and the person with that information is currently
> in China with a spotty connection and hasn’t replied to my emails.
> I have the name of the host, and the MAC address but not the IP address.  Is
> there any way to find the IP based on the MAC, so I can say for sure “That’s
> the Webhost?”

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