\On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 2:29 PM, David
Mazzaccaro<david.mazzacc...@hudsonhhc.com> wrote:
> Wondering what others typically see their UPS equipment running an internal
> temp at?
> My APC 3000XLS has gotten up to 103.2 F, just wondering how bad that is???

  I have no hard evidence, but I suspect APC UPSes have some kind of
long-standard failure mode where they overcharge the batteries,
leading to the batteries swelling and getting stuck in the unit.  High
temperatures would be another symptom of overcharging.  Check to see
if the batteries will still slide out of the unit or not.  If not, be
ready with a screwdriver and a downtime window the next battery
change.  You'll have to disassemble the entire chassis.

  As I said, no hard evidence, but I've experienced stuck swollen
batteries several times myself.  Only with APC.  Many others report
the same.  Google finds many, many hits for this for APC, few or none
for other manufactures.

  This apparent design defect is my only complaint about APC.

-- Ben

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